Saturday, May 29, 2010

For Jamie

Hi Jamie..
Only 1 (the Zipka, Ehri and Cairns article) out of the 4 articles from your list meet criteria for you to code (the other studies did not have sufficient data to calculate effect sizes/were not interventions):

Here are 2 more for you to code:
Roberts, Theresa A.; Home Storybook reading in primary or secondary language... Reading Research Quarterly, Vol 43(2), Apr-Jun, 2008. pp. 103-130. [Journal Article]

Reitsma, Pieter; Wesseling, Ralph; Effects of computer-assisted training of blending skills in kindergartners.Scientific Studies of Reading, Vol 2(4), 1998. pp. 301-320.
(I know that this one is older, but we missed it in our earlier search!)


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Prof.Hoskyn:
    Thank you so much for this.
    But I am pretty sure the article1201 that I emailed you is the one of the two more you suggested me:Roberts, Theresa A.; Home Storybook readin......never mind:)

    Thanks again for your time. Prof.Lemare told me how busy you r.
    Take care.

