Monday, May 31, 2010

for Lorraine

Hi Lorraine,
I've just responded to your email, but just in case this is where you are looking for a response, see below:
The first article: Hughes, doesn't have a comparison or control group.
Boscardin et al., also has no control/comparison group. Mason et al. has 5th graders (too old)

Nicole Conrad is a Yes!! #1; Vadasay is also a yes #2,,, now, I'll help you find one more..
(I just got home from the conference meeting...will have a cup of tea and get back to this..)


  1. Hi Lorraine...I've tried to find you an article for over an is one, not perfect because the outcomes are adult level, but let's try it anyway..

    Child Development
    Vol/Issue: 81 (1), Date: Jan 1, 2010, Page: 410
    Article: Early educational intervention, early cumulative risk, and the early home environment as predictors of young adult outcomes within a high-risk sample.
    Author(s): Pungello, Elizabeth P.;Kainz, Kirsten;Burchinal, Margaret;Wasik, Barbara H.;Sparling, Joseph J.;Ramey, Craig T.;Campbell, Frances A.
